Saturday, November 15, 2014

Rio de Janeiro: Carnival in Rio

To understand what Carnival means to Cariocas you need to understand its history.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a world famous cultural event and  very popular celebration. It is considered one of  the best known folk festivals in the world.

Carnival is  an attraction that draws attention for all the different types of manifestation such as, samba school parades, carnival balls, street carnival, bands and street blocks.

Today,the  three forms and manifestations of carnival in Rio de Janeiro are divided into: Samba School parades, Carnival Street and Bailes.

Rio has famous bands and blocks:
In Copacabana: Banda do Leme, Banda da Santa Clara, Banda da Sá Ferreira
In Rio downtown: Cordão do Bola Preta
In Ipanema: Simpatia é quase amor e Banda de Ipanema
In Jardim Botanico: Suvaco do Cristo.
The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil is held annually just before Lent begins and is considered the biggest party in the world. Officially Carnival in Rio de Janeiro lasts five days, from the Friday to Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent. The festival usually takes place in February or March.
Samba Schools emerged around of 1930 and started to become increasingly prominent over the parade of Ranchos. 
Parades of samba schools:
Throughout the year, schools are preparing for the annual parade that is also a competition.
This fantastic show now takes place at the Sambodromo,  designed by Oscar Niemeyer,  a famous architect in Brazil and around the world.
In the past, the parade was held in the same place, on  Marques de Sapucai Street.
During the parade, each samba school has its storytelling  history samba and it is sung by thousands of voices that join the puller samba school singing in speaker and battery.

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